Speak Up! Building Comfort & Confidence in Speech


Thinking Organized’s summer programs run on a weekly cycle, Monday – Thursday for one hour each day, throughout the summer.

  • Speak Up! is offered at 10 a.m. each week, and prior registration is required.
  • Each program is individualized and one-on-one.
  • The cost per four-day program is $595.

To schedule this summer program:

  • Click the registration link and follow the steps.
    • Select a start date and time on the calendar (programs always start on a Monday).
    • Select your preferred location (Thinking Organized office or virtual) and fill out the questionnaire.
    • Submit payment via PayPal (there is an option to pay by credit card, as well).

Click here to register!

Speak Up! Building Comfort and Confidence in Speech

Join the speech therapy team at Thinking Organized this summer to work on a targeted area of speech in Speak Up!

During a four-day cycle, which can be repeated to cover topics of interest in greater depth, participants will have the opportunity to build knowledge of and practice speaking skills.

This program is appropriate for individuals of all ages who want to work on speech skills. Skills that can be addressed during these four-day cycles are:

  • Articulation (pronouncing difficult sounds, building clearer speech)
  • Fluency (stuttering, speaking rate, adjusting use of fillers like “um”)
  • Voice (hoarseness, pitch, volume)
Erica MechlinskiSpeak Up! Building Comfort & Confidence in Speech