Our Services
The study of how an individual processes language and formulates ideas reveals a great deal about the way material is organized within the brain. Thinking Organized teaches strategies to improve: intellectual productivity – oral and written communication; time management skills; organizational proficiency; problem solving; long and short-term memory; and much more.

The K-12 program focuses on helping the disorganized thinker approach work and daily activities in a systematic and efficient way.

College/Graduate Students
Thinking Organized can help college and graduate students manage their academic course load and structure their time.

Adults & Parents
Everyone can feel overwhelmed with daily obligations. Learn skills in time management, material organization, writing and speaking proficiency, problem solving, prioritizing and setting sequential goals.
Learn how technology can help you stay organized.
Our Team
The Thinking Organized team specializes in problems relating to executive functions, Attention Deficit Disorder, organization and time management, and language and cognitive processing. Click Here to meet our talented team.

Rhona M. Gordon M.S., C.C.C./SLP Founder, CEO

Rosie McGowan, M.A.T. Director of Operations

Kristin Backert-Evans, M.A. Senior Educational Mentor
Hours Studied
Candy Consumed
Words Written
Apps Downloaded
Our Clients
Thinking Organized is an inclusive practice.