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What does it really mean to “understand” how students with learning differences see the world? A new website, appropriately titled, offers an answer. provides parents with empowering information using a variety of helpful resources developed by a network of 15 nonprofit groups who specialize in children’s learning and attention issues, including experts such as psychiatrists, neurologists, special education teachers, and speech-language pathologists. It is a broad, versatile resource that can be used as a one-stop-shop for parents looking for information that is tailored to their child.

When parents first enter the site, they can create a profile to receive personalized recommendations for resources based upon their needs. They can read articles to gain greater insight into their child’s challenges or obtain advice about how to best help their child succeed. They can complete questionnaires designed to guide them through important points of consideration when making a decision, such as whether their child’s classroom placement should be changed. They can connect with experts and other parents who are having similar experiences through secure online web discussions and blogs. One of our favorite sections of the site is titled “Through Your Child’s Eyes” that has a student talking about his or her challenges in a particular area, such as attention, a simulation that allows the user to get a better sense of what it would feel like to have the same challenges, and a follow-up with an expert explaining the particular hindrances and strategies to help mitigate them. This offers parents a unique opportunity to experience what day-to-day life might feel like for their child. offers a multitude of insightful resources that are definitely worth taking a few minutes to browse for anyone looking to learn more about learning and attention issues and connect with others who have expert knowledge and similar experiences. Feel free to take a look and let us know what you think!

The National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD): The State of Learning Disabilities

The New York Times: Helping Parents Deal with Learning and Attention Issues

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