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Standardized Testing

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Standardized testing is a part of every child’s life. From state testing to SATs, ACTs, GMATs and GREs, the longer a student pursues education the more testing he or she will have to complete.  Some students become very anxious when asked to perform on an important assessment. Here are some basic tips for parents to help their children relax and do their best, but we’d love to hear your ideas as well:

  • Early preparation is better than cramming the night before. Younger children who practice math facts and reading comprehension strategies can face testing with a solid plan in place. Older students who take practice exams well before the big day will feel more confident with both the format and content of their test.
  • Healthy routines reap rewards. If a child has a regular, reasonable bedtime, then there is no benefit to altering it the night before a test. Trying to put him/her to bed early might cause unnecessary anxiety and actually postpone sleep longer. Likewise, a healthy breakfast is always the best start for a day of learning. Feeding your child significantly more than he or she is accustomed to eating can cause sluggishness.
  • Most importantly, stay positive. Encouraging your child to do his/her best and exuding confidence are the best tools for success.

However, many of our most practical suggestions come from parents and teachers. What works for you? Please reply to this blog with your comments and ideas.

smortoStandardized Testing

Could it be a learning disability?

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At some point in most students’ academic careers, work becomes more difficult and many children begin to struggle to achieve high grades. Many parents ask me, “How do I know if this is normal or if my child has a learning disability?” Some general signs that it may be time to have your student tested by a professional include:

  • Difficulty in reading or writing
  • Symptoms of A.D.H.D. such as maintaining focus or impulse control
  • Trouble following spoken or written instructions
  • Poor memory
  • Making poor grades despite significant effort
  • Frustration with school and homework and
  • Low self-esteem.

Adults often live with undiagnosed learning disabilities such as ADD or dyslexia. Many of the executives that visit my practice are very intelligent, successful individuals. However, as they’ve risen up the company ladder, it becomes increasingly difficult to “keep all their balls in the air.” They constantly feel like they are juggling to keep track of their materials, their appointments, commitments, written communications, etc…

When is it time to consult a professional?

In a child, if the suspected disability is interfering with either your student’s ability to learn or his/her self-esteem, a diagnosis from a professional is warranted. It can be beneficial to address any learning problems early in a child’s life before the difficulties become compounded. Possibly some modifications and adjustments in your child’s structures could improve many aspects of daily life.

Similarly for adults – if you are reasonably successful and have been dealing with a learning disorder your whole life, it may not be necessary to have a formal diagnosis. Certainly individuals who feel that they have characteristics of ADD or ADHD will benefit by strengthening their executive functioning skills, which can make one more productive and less anxious at any age. By practicing effective executive functions, you will find yourself better able to keep track of your belongings, schedule your time efficiently, work productively and organize the chaos in your brain, home and office.

WE’D LIKE TO KNOW. Deciding to have psychological or educational testing can be a nerve wracking proposition for some people. What made you decide to get professional testing or assistance for yourself or your child? When did you know it was the “right time?”

smortoCould it be a learning disability?

Back-to-School = Anxiety

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Do you have a child who becomes anxious or oppositional when faced with transitions, such as beginning a new school year? Although everyone experiences anxiety as a normal response to dangerous or novel situations, some people can become overwhelmed during stressful times, experiencing rapid heartbeat, body aches, dizziness, sweating, shaking, sleeping problems and/or difficulties concentrating. Children who act angry, defiant or willful are often suffering with anxiety problems as well.

Adult anxiety mirrors the same behaviors. Most individuals become anxious when faced with stressful situations and for some of us, these apprehensions become debilitating. A recent study shows that over 40 million Americans have some sort of anxiety disorder1.

Improving one’s executive function skills is a proven way to reduce anxiety. Children especially thrive on structure and organization in their academic lives and at home. By instituting a system for documenting obligations (such as a to-do list or an assignment notebook) as well as consistent procedures for organizing time (such as monthly calendars), you and your child can both rest assured that you aren’t missing any important obligations. Additionally, by practicing strategies to improve written language, parents can write emails, letters and memos that clearly and concisely convey their thoughts and ideas. Likewise, children who learn and institute structures of organized writing are less likely to become overwhelmed when assigned essays, research projects and term papers.

We would love to hear what techniques you have found helpful for reducing anxiety in yourself or your child.


smortoBack-to-School = Anxiety